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elections 2019
Welcome to our
Dear readers, in
the middle of all these problems that we have in Australia, about the drought,
the assets test and other things that we have written in our previous articles,
there is one more thing to worry about, the Australian elections.
Anyhow, it has
taken a while for the present prime minister Scott Morrison to call the 2019
federal election. Now it has been called and it is going to be held the 18th
of May 2019. So, who is going to be the prime minister of Australia after these
elections? We do not know, but the odds are in favor of the Labor party at
the beginning, and Bill Shorten being their leader, he could become the new
prime minister of Australia; but we can never know. Anyhow, the political
parties start advertising themselves and telling us, what they are going to do
for us, if we vote them in and they form government.
Now, Bill Shorten
and his Labor party have the reputation of spending too much and charging more
tax to the people. So, it is going to be hard to say who is going to win. You
see, it also depends about other policies and because the coalition has been in
government for some time, so, people may want to change.
Anyhow, I believe that it is better for everybody, when the economy is stable and there is no deficit, but it is up to the people to choose if they want a stable economy, or they prefer that the government spends more, for better services to the public and other things, because this is what the Labor party does. Anyhow, both parties have problems in running the economy properly, because there are times when, the Coalition makes mistakes, because they are careless, and they don’t work out what is going to happen to the people involved. One of these things was when they change the assets test 5 years ago. as we are going to mention this in this article and perhaps write another article to explain what we see is wrong but let us see what is happening right now.
Looking at what is
in for me.
Because everyone of us has different financial needs, we are looking at the election promises to see what is in for me. I know that this sounds selfish; but that is what everybody does. Anyhow, what I wanted to see, is not even mentioned in this election campaign, so, for me it is disappointing to see that we are going to miss out, on what we think, it needs to be done.
Anyhow, in a way we are lucky here, because we can voice our concerns for free and have our say. We can write our personal point of views ourselves in a public forum; hoping that what we are writing reaches some politicians, so, they can do something about it.we have written The Assets Test Dilemma, where we say a few things about what needs to be done.
You see, years ago, the federal government changed the assets test on the pensions, without working out that the small property owners would get less money than those who are on a simple pension with no assets.
Anyhow, this issue I am going to write about it in my next article, because it is not easy to show you, why the pensioners are losing money. Now this is one of my main concerns, and we believe that to be fair the pension must work out to be at least equal for everybody. But nobody does anything for them. Both the major parties are thinking the same since both have approved this assets test change. Now since they are not going to gain votes, by talking about it, they do not want to talk about it.
But as I have said, this issue is not easy to understand, unless you work it out yourself, or it is properly explained in detail. You can look at these figures written in this article to understand what we mean; The Australian Social Security Must Be Equal. Anyhow, I am going to write another article, the Australian elections can be positive.
Welcome to our article, The Australian Elections Can Be Positive.
I believe that The Australian elections in May 2019, can be positive, if the party that runs the economy better wins the election.
So, whoever forms government must be careful to budget the economy the right way? Well, this is my personal point of view. Anyhow, I was waiting for better news and better policies, but nobody cares, if you can look after yourself, even if what you do is good for everybody. Here I am talking about those people that are not rich, they only have a second house, they bought it in the hope that they could earn some money in their old age, but today everything is turned against them, as we have said in our article, Assets and pension cuts
The present government with is coalition policies do not want to do anything, because they made the mistake. So, the owners that have a second house, it would have been better for them to have spent their money on themselves, because today they would have been better off financially.
Here I must point
out to the politicians; they must understand that it is this group of people
that keeps the housing market at the right level. You see, they do not buy and
sell to make a quick buck, they buy and keep their properties hoping that they
can gain something from it, and above all they hope to have a bit extra money
when they retire. But today all their efforts have been in vain because they
are losing money, instead of gaining it. Now, this has
been done from the coalition, which is supposed to be in favor of these small
investors. Anyhow, now let us look at the Labor Party policies
that are even worse.
The Labor Party positive
In these elections the Labor Party has some positive policies, the only problem with these policies, is that they need to spend more money. This has always been the problem with the Labor Party, they spend more money than they can afford.
Now, let us go back to the Labor Party policies on properties for the small investors; I believe that they are worse than the coalition. Today they want to change the gain tax to a higher level, which again is going to be negative for those people that have invested in properties, because when they sell, they will lose too much money.
In my opinion, this gain tax should be made illegal in most cases. So, we can say that the small investors are being robbed from the government, because what they are taxing should be illegal, because of the following explanation. If you have a second house that today is worth $500,000, you sell the house to buy another property somewhere else of the same value, you cannot do that, because you must pay the gain tax to the government, which is a lot of money, plus other taxes end expenses, it can cost the small investor $100,000 dollars, if the gain tax is higher, like what the Labor Party wants to introduce; then the loss is greater, say $120,000 dollars, that the small investor cannot afford to lose.
These are useless
I believe that the Labor Party policy on negative gearing is useless because it is made only to stop the very rich people to buy properties at a loss. But then I may be wrong; anyhow, the way that I see it is this; you must buy a property that runs at a loss, then that money that you are losing can be deducted from your other earning before they are taxed.
Anyhow, we are waiting for the elections, to see how the people vote, then we will see what happens. So, good luck to all parties involved, and remember that we all deserve a fair go. See you after the elections when we will write other articles about future problems.
To see more click on these links, Australian elections 2019, The Australian Elections Can Be Positive. See you soon in our next article.