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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Australian economy and rentals.

Dear readers, in this blog, we have written several posts about D.I.Y. articles that dealt with building works. Having done that, now we are writing posts about social issues. We have started with this post, Farming today is still a risky business, we want to talk about social issues that can affect all of us. We will continue with Australian social issues that we have already written in the past, when these things happened; then we will follow with what is happening these days. 
We believe that to continue and make sense, we should post what has happened since, and then try to link everything together. So, in this blog let us talk about, Australia economy and rentals. 

Anyhow, you can also find this article at, http://oldman-lifeworks.blogspot.com

My other sites; http://frankmenchise.com,http://diybrickwork.com,http://manneedsgod.co.uk  

You can see more at this addresses, DIY brickwork  and,  http://diybrickwork.com,  

To see more visit links, Australian Economy and Rentals.

Let us look at this old low-set house in Brisbane to compare the cost, this is a typical house that can cost the owner a lot of money to keep running, as we will explain in the text. At the present time when this article was written the first time, this house was rented at $400 per week, as an investment is dose not make much. 

Australian economy and rentals. 

Welcome to our article,  Australian Economy and Rentals

Today because of the corona-virus lock-down issue, a lot of people cannot work, this will impoverish the Australian economy, so, it will create several problems. However, the federal government is pumping money to avoid the worst and keep the workers ready to resume work when this disease stops. We all will be affected in different ways, so, every one of us has different views. Anyhow, I am writing this article to have my say, about how I understand the Australian economy and house rentals.

So, let us discuss the Australian economy and the residential rental market, because some people cannot understand what is involved. So, we must start from the beginning to explain everything the way we know it. Our explanation may not be perfect, but it will be very close to the truth.

As most of us know, the entire Australian economy is based on competition, even the workers must work hard, so that they can earn just a little bit more than what they cost the employer to employ them. Then if these people that have worked hard, can save some money, they can invest this money to make more money, they can invest their money in many ways, some of this can be in residential rental properties.

So, let us talk about real estate and rental properties, because what is happening involves properties, anyhow, real estate has many problems, because it costs a lot to buy and maintain a property, then there are these fixed expenses to pay, this is what we are going to explain here.


The unavoidable cost of properties. 

First and foremost is the cost of the property to buy, then there is the running cost. So, let us see what the fixed expenses are. Let us start with insurance, plus the local authority charges, namely, rates and water and sewerage, and the worst of all land tax. Land tax gives you nothing back, but they charge you thousands of dollars because they need the money; so, you must pay them, because you own these rental properties.   

Having said that, now I must say that real estate is one of the major backbones of the Australian economy, but it change with no warning. Therefore, if something like this happen on a large scale, the entire Australian economy will suffer. So, the economy must be kept running. Now, the government is pumping as much money as they can to keep the workers in place and the economy going. 

Anyhow, today there are these nut people that think they can get away and pay no rent, because they have lost their job due to the corona-virus that has closed many businesses. But this cannot be sustained by the property owners, because most properties are owned from people that rely on the rent to live, and they have no other income. But even if these rental properties are owned from large investors, they still cannot afford to discount their rent, and if they must, it can only be very little. you see, the margins that they are working on are small, because they are competing. So, let me write an example, how much money is needed to run an average rental house. The figures are only average figures for working out this example.

Insurance $1200 per year, council rates $570 per quarter and urban utilities $350 per quarter this gives you a total of $4880 plus land tax. Now the land tax has a threshold, which most times covers the house you are living in, but once you are over that; the land tax can be $1.7 per thousand of the land-value per year and going up. So, say your taxable land value of this house is 500,000; your land tax can be $8,500.00 This will bring a total of $13,380.00. This fixed expenses alone, can be more than half the rent collected. Then there is also maintenance to add, and what about the investment? 

Anyhow, this is a very rough estimate that can apply to some properties, but I hope you see what I mean. So, rent must be paid, for the owners to make any money to repay their loans and other things to keep their investment running, or the rental market may not exist anymore. If that happens; where are people going to live? Will the government then build the rental properties required? I doubt it, Australia has always needed the private sector, that works in competition to keep the prices down.  


Rentals and the Australian economy. 

At this point of time, the federal government is trying to keep everything running as usual. But there are things that can become uncontrollable, because the lock-down to control the spread of the corona-virus, stops people working and earning money, a chain reaction can result, the economy will be adversely affected.

We believe that the rental market will be affected, especially the residential market. As you know, tenants and landlords are always arguing about rent payments. 

The prime minister said that the owners cannot evict their tenants, even if they don’t pay the rent. This will give the tenants what they want, so, most of them will not pay the rent, even when they can afford to pay it.

I hope that the prime Minister Dr. Scott Morrison, will look at this issue and make it clear to the tenants that the rent needs to be paid. My view on this subject is that those that cannot pay, must go to Centrelink and explain their position, and when Centrelink pays them, they can pay the rent. Anyhow, I believe that they can pay the rent, if they live in affordable accommodations. Those that live in expensive accommodations may have to work it out another way.

In Australia, the rental market is part of the economy, so, it would be helpful, if when the corona-virus disease ends, the Australian rental market is still working, and it is able to go back to normal quickly. Otherwise, it may create a chain reaction, that Australian cannot afford to have. 


Let us discuss what can be done.

We believe that the three tiers of governments: the federal government, the state government and the local government (the councils), must work something out what can be done to keep the rental market going, while the corona-virus lock-down is active, and then, how everything can go back to normal later. But let us see what is being done now.

Well not much has been done, because it is a difficult thing to work out, there is still a bit of confusion, while the landlords want their agreed rent paid, the tenants pay unwillingly, let us hope that this corona-virus disease disappears, and everything comes back to normal. Because we need at least some direction from the government that says how much rent is a fair amount of rent to be paid. But even this may not work out, because it involves calculating what people earn, and most people are unwilling to tell you that.

Anyhow, what I am writing next is something that is being discussed at the state level. They want to suggest that the tenants pay no more than 30% of their income as rent. There are a couple of questions here: (One) Are the tenants willing to show the landlords all their income? (Two) Will this amount of rent be enough to cover the landlord’s expenses? This nobody knows.  

I think that I have said enough in this article. So, we are going to wait and see what happens, and then will write another article to discuss the outcome.

See you soon.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Australia and the Corona virus.

Dear readers, in this blog, we have written several posts about D.I.Y. articles that dealt with building works. Having done that, now we are writing posts about social issues. We have started with this post, Farming today is still a risky business, we want to talk about social issues that can affect all of us. We will continue with Australian social issues that we have already written in the past, when these things happened; then we will follow with what is happening these days. 
We believe that to continue and make sense, we should post what has happened since, and then try to link everything together. So in this blog let us talk about, Australia and the corona virus. 

Anyhow, you can also find this article at, http://oldman-lifeworks.blogspot.com

My other sites; http://frankmenchise.com,http://diybrickwork.com,http://manneedsgod.co.uk  

You can see more at this addresses, DIY brickwork  and,  http://diybrickwork.com,  

To see more visit links, Australia and the Coronavirus

This photo shows us how the corona-virus has spread in Australia, this is the end of March 2020, we have to keep in mind that the virus is spreading quickly, so, everybody is worried, we are all waiting for instructions from the authorities in charge. 

Australia and the Corona virus. 

Welcome to our article, Australia and the Coronavirus

Dear readers, if you are reading this blog now, for it to make sense you need to think that this is a diary that I have been writing, so you should imagine how things were at the time that I have written this article. Anyhow, today the entire world is facing this health problem that can even kill you, we hope that this Corona-virus disease will not touch us, and if we happen to catch it, we hope to survive. I hope that I will not catch it, because I am an old man now and old men are those that die most. Anyhow, I hope to survive and one day tell you the story of my survival. So, I have decided to write this article and write those things that seem important; it will be like a diary that will help me remember those things that are happening now.

Anyhow, let me see how I can start my story.

Today is the 26th day of March 2020, and in Australia there are 2728 people that are Corona-virus positive, there are 11 deaths and 118 recovered. The number of the Corona-virus positive seem to grow quickly, so, I am worried. In China were the virus started has 80,000 people with corona-virus, and more than 3000 people have died. To control the spread they have had this lock-down, and people had to stay inside their houses for a few months, this has reduced the number of the infected to a minimum, but still they are worried that the disease can come back.

Many other countries have been infected, so, they have followed their example and locked the inhabitant down, but this virus seems very virile and their infected people continue to increase, today the 27 of March 2020 Italy positive sick is surpassing China, but Italy has 8000 deaths, that is at least twice as many deaths, everybody is worried, as there is no end in sight.

In Australia the government is doing what they can to control this virus, that seems an enemy that we cannot see, but it can kill you. They have banned many activities and told people to stay inside. Many businesses where people can come in close contact have been ordered to close, because people can catch the corona-virus disease.

Here in Australia, the federal government and the state governments do their best, and Scott Morrison the prime minister pops up on TV every now and then, telling us what is being done and what wants us to do to control the spread of this virus. It is near impossible to live a normal life. Everybody is worried and a bit scared and nobody knows how this is going to end. I believe that in Australia, like China and Italy, the entire country or part of it, will be in lock-down soon and nobody can go around, except for those that must do urgent things for survival.


How some people see this situation. 

Because of the chaos that this epidemic brings with it, people tend to understand what is being said in strange ways, this can bring even more chaos and needs to be sorted out. They go shopping and they buy a lot more than what they need presently, so that they can keep at home for the future; strange as it may seem, the most item that they want is toilet paper, so, they empty the shop shelves of toilet paper, they also want many other items, so, they fill their trolleys with whatever they think they might need in the future; this is one of the main strange things that this corona-virus epidemic has brought.

I believe that people are worried and scared, so, they become selfish, they don’t see that if they empty the shelves of toilet paper, because they think that by being clean they can avoid this virus, they don’t see that the fellow next door, can catch the virus because he has no toilet paper, then the virus will jump the fence and catches up with them too; so, they will become infected too. Anyhow this is one of the strange things that people do, but there are many more.

Another thing that I have noted and is worth mentioning is what is happening to one of my family members that rents a house, and lives on a small budget. Anyhow, what I am going to say next, is more to do with what people think and do, is situations like this, than the corona-virus. So, while some of us feel sorry and pray for the sick and the dead and their families, some others want to use the corona-virus to their advantage, and they don’t care about the others. So, I am going to tell you what people do.   


What people think and do. 

Anyhow, these tenants, because of the corona-virus lock-down, they have lost their job, so, they don’t want to pay the rent, or at most pay only half the agreed rent. I don’t understand from where they have picked up this idea, but this is what they want to do. They think that the owners can afford to lose their rent payments, but they cannot. My views on this is that the federal government is giving them enough money to eat and to pay the rent, so they must pay.

This idea of not paying the rent, may have come from some obscure politician that is telling the people that. But the reality is that it cannot be done, because the entire economy will suffer and may even collapse. I am going to talk about this in more details in another article, because now I want to show you what Scott Morrison is giving the people that have lost their jobs.

This example has been taken from the internet, and I quote:

 Craig lost his job. He has no other work so made his intent to claim via MyGov. He's not eligible for other welfare.

The Government processed his claim on April 13. His first three payments are (figures are approximate):

April 13: $1,610 made up of:

·        Jobseeker Payment and Energy Supplement (covering 21 days backdated to March 23) — $860

·        Stimulus payment — $750

April 27: $575 made up of:

·        Jobseeker Payment and Energy Supplement — $575

May 11, then every two weeks: $1,125 made up of:

·        Jobseeker Payment and Energy Supplement — $575

·        Coronavirus Supplement — $550

End of quote.

Here I want to point out that they will receive enough money to put food on their table and pay the rent easily. Meanwhile some of the landlord that live on the earnings of their rental properties, will not be able to pay for their food, if they don’t receive their rent payments.

Anyhow, I am sorry that I have taken you to read this rental problem, when I believe our thoughts should be with the corona-virus victims, especially about the European countries, like Italy and Spain that have so many deaths, as you can see, from this corona-virus progress list. Australia is still doing well compared to them, so, may God help Australia to keep the number of deaths to a minimum. I am saying to a minimum, because it is impossible to think any other way.


The corona-virus progresses.

Anyhow, I want to apologies, because we have gone out of our ways and talked about the way people behave, instead of the corona-virus disease.

Anyhow, now let us write a list how the corona-virus progresses in the world, and if we somehow can stop it spreading

Today the 29 of March 2020

China over 81,500 infected, over 3,300 deaths (the country it originated)

USA over 123,000 infected, over 2,700 deaths

Italy over 92,000 infected, over 10,900 deaths

Spain over 73,000 infected, over 6,800 deaths

Australia over 3,900 infected, 15 deaths so far (the country I am writing it from)

We will come back in a few days to see what has changed.

Anyhow, here China seems to have regained some control, but the others have not.

Anyhow, in a few days, we will write hereunder another list to compare what is happening. We hope to have better news then.

Now because of the corona-virus necessary shutdown, people cannot work, and the Australian economy will suffer; this can create a chain reaction that needs to be talked about. So, we are going to write another article, where we talk about the Australian economy and rentals, since rentals are going to be affected.


Let us update the corona-virus progress.

Today is the 26 of April 2020, so, it is after one month since we started this article the first time. Now let us write a short list to see how many more people are sick or have died.

                              CONFIRMED      DEATHS      RECOVERED

United States -----------924,520---------52,296----------100,795




United Kingdom------143,464---------19,506------------1,918



China (mainland)---88,423------------4,632-------------81,785.

What I can say about this updated list is that today, the United States of America is the country with the most confirmed sick, and the most deaths. Italy is the worst off with about 26 thousand deaths, if we consider that Italy is around 60 million people only. Other things to note are: Germany is doing well it has 155,000 confirmed positive, but only 5,760 deaths; the United Kingdom number of recovered is very low, so, we may have to ask, are they not recovering or they are not counting them? The last one I am noting is that China is the country it originated, but China today has a lot of recovered and only 4,632 deaths.

So, I wonder why, and what could be the reason?

Maybe one day will know? To see more click on this link, Australia and the Coronavirus

This is all for today, see you next time with our article, Australia economy and rentals.     


Friday, May 14, 2021

Australia is at risk from climatic changes.

Dear readers, in this blog, we have written several posts about D.I.Y. articles that dealt with building works. Having done that, now we are writing posts about social issues. We have started with this post, Farming today is still a risky business, we want to talk about social issues that can affect all of us. We will continue with Australian social issues that we have already written in the past, when these things happened; then we will follow with what is happening these days. 
We believe that to continue and make sense, we should post what has happened since, and then try to link everything together. So in this blog let us talk about, Australia climatic changes. 

Anyhow, you can also find this article at, http://oldman-lifeworks.blogspot.com

My other sites; http://frankmenchise.com,http://diybrickwork.com,http://manneedsgod.co.uk  

You can see more at this addresses, DIY brickwork  and,  http://diybrickwork.com,  

To see more visit links, Australia Climatic Changes

From the map shown above, one could think that Australia is a vast desert, but in Australia we have also some good land. Anyhow, because this year is hot and dry, there are many fires burning, so, what had grown in the good land now is burning up. This is a real problem that is hard to control, but something needs to be done, because we do not want that this good land becomes desert. 

Australia is at risk from climatic changes.

Welcome to our article, Australia Climatic Changes

Dear readers, I am writing this article, to talk about the climatic changes that we are experiencing all over the world; however, I believe that Australia has a higher risk to be affected adversely, as you will see, when we write about what is happening now. So, even though climatic change is affecting the entire world, and we will mention a few facts before we end this article, because in this article I want to talk mostly about Australia climatic problems, because I live in Australia and that is where my point of view comes from. 

Anyhow, after looking at the effects that the drought is having in Australia, we must ask ourselves, if there are things that can be done to minimize its effects, because it is affecting everybody adversely in different degrees. Of course, the most affected people are the farmers, because they need the right weather, to produce the best crops, or food for their stock. But when there is a drought, the farmers by themselves cannot do much to improve the situation; in a situation like this, they try to last if they can, while they pray God for rain. 

Being a farmer is a risky business, the worst part of it all, is that it has severe ups and downs, you can compare this in these two articles that we have written about farming: the first article, Farming today compared to the old way, this article shows the farmers rich and well organized, and because of their success the entire country is benefiting, because the food is cheaper. Then we have the second article, Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business, here the farmer are in trouble, they are still organized as before, but whatever they do is not enough to get them out of trouble, they need more help from outside, it is not their fault that they cannot produce much, because the drought is severe, so, all vegetation has dried up.

Now, that is not all, because while I am writing this article, Australia is burning, because all vegetation is tinder dry, it is hotter than usual, even though it is still springtime. They say that the fires have burned over one million hectares already, and still burning; they think that this year is going to be hard for us all. anyhow, we hope that it rains, and the temperature is not too high this summer, even if the weather forecast says otherwise.


What can we do to minimize the problem?

So, we ask ourselves what can be done? It is not easy to say what can be done, but I believe that there are things that could be done. So, I am going to go out of my way, and I am going to write several articles, where I will tell you all the crazy things that come into my mind, that could be done to improve the situation, even if what I am saying has very little chance to happen in real life now. To do what I want to do, I must think that most things can start from an idea, and those things that we dream and seem impossible to become true presently, one day in the future they can happen.

Anyhow, let me start with what we know today, we believe that Australia is the country that needs to be organized most, to overcome the global warming problems, because Australia is a large country and the driest continent on earth, so, we are one of the first countries that is going to feel the change most, and the changes can be severe or even catastrophic.

But we believe that it does not need to be so bad, if the entire country of Australia is organized to help each other in the future. So, we need to discuss, how Australia can overcome the climatic problems of the future, in our future articles.

These problems have started in the form of the drought and high temperature, which are believed to be caused from the global warming. So, it looks like that we must make sure, that we can work out a way how to stop this global warming. Then work out a way how to live with what is left.

You see, these days things are bad; while I am thinking to write what can be done in the future. Suddenly I have come across this article in Face Book, that prompts me to talk about what is happening right now. To understand what we are saying, look at the picture we have uploaded, taken from Face Book, and the comment that was written to explain the fire disaster in Australia  


The following was taken from Face Book

I say that even the view of this lonely kookaburra can make people cry, if we thing what we have lost and we continue to lose to the fires. And look at that bird , do you think it feels lonely and scared.

The following was taken from Face Book

This article was written under the picture of this lonely kookaburra looking at the burnt-out bush, and perhaps feeling scared and lonely.

And I quote 

Please pray for our nation, this is the worst bush fires we have Ever experienced! Just to put in perspective how bad this all is. When the amazon rain-forest went up in flames it burnt 125,000 hectares. Australia so far has lost 970,000 hectares, and it’s only going to get worse. Over 200 homes have been lost, several lives lost and countless stock and wildlife - whole colonies of koalas have been wiped out.

We are no longer the sunburn country, we are a country on fire.
“We’ve got areas the size of Europeans countries on fire here,” said Gaven Muller, acting inspector of Fire and Rescue on the north coast.

Our firefighters are heroes - all of them and need our prayers and support. We have crews from as far away as Tasmania, NZ and the NT and possibly crews soon from Canada and the USA.

This is no time for blame but a time for us all to pull together.

Pray for the families affected by this catastrophe.

(End of quote)

Now, what I can add here is that last night on the news they said that we had lost 304 homes and 4 people dead. We don’t know what else to say, except that we hope it rains and the temperature goes down, so, the firefighter can extinguish the fires and return safely home.

That is all in this article about Australia, now I want to mention other things that are happening in the world.


News and weather in the world today

Today is the 21st of November 2019, and this is my news diary, written to remind me what I thought was important to mention today and what I have learned during the past week about the weather and other things in Italy. Hereunder are three links of other important articles, that I believe are important enough to remember. Anyhow I am not going to say much about them:

Trump impeachment all but inevitable

Well if they remove Trump the world has a better chance to talk global warming control.

VENICE UNDER WATER: High tide floods most of city, kills 6 ... 

These events happen more often these days, due to global warming.

Taliban frees Aussie held since 2016 

This is good news; I hope that the Taliban do this more often.

 Anyhow, you can read the full story by clicking on the link.


Now, let me talk briefly about what is happening in Italy today, because of the global warming. You see, not only Venice is underwater, also most if Italy is experiencing torrential rains that is causing a lot of damage. There are floods and land slide in several places. In the South of Italy, the people of Matera a city in the region of Basilicata, are crying for help, but no much help is given, they believe that the government has forgotten about them, they seem to be interested about Venice, and why the Mose-project has not been finished and used to defend the city. (The Mose-Project is a wall that can rise from the sea to stop the high tides in Venice)

My view about this is that, when this wall is finished, it may save Venice for a while, but if the global warming continues, even this wall one day might not be enough to save the city. So, mankind really needs to think how we can stop this global warming.

Anyhow, in this article, we want to talk more about the problems that global warming is causing in Australia than the rest of the world. I believe that I have said enough in this article, even if, I have talked about other parts of the world for comparison sake. 

When I wrote this article the first time, I could not have guessed that other terrible things were about to start, and the world instead of looking at how to stop climatic change, people had to see first how to survive the corona virus pandemic.     

Our next article will be about, Australia and the corona virus. See you soon.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Australian Problems of Today.

Dear readers, in this blog, we have written several posts about D.I.Y. articles that dealt with building works. Having done that, now we are writing posts about social issues. We have started with this post, Farming today is still a risky business, we want to talk about social issues that can affect all of us. We will continue with Australian social issues that we have already written in the past, when these things happened; then we will follow with what is happening these days. 
We believe that to continue and make sense, we should post what has happened since, and then try to link everything together. So in this blog let us talk about, the Australian problems of today. 

Anyhow, you can also find this article at, http://oldman-lifeworks.blogspot.com

My other sites; http://frankmenchise.com,http://diybrickwork.com,http://manneedsgod.co.uk  

You can see more at this addresses, DIY brickwork  and,  http://diybrickwork.com,  

To see more visit links, The Australian Problems of Today

The greatest problem in Australia is that half of Australia is desert, this problem becomes even worse because of the climatic change that makes rainfall unpredictable, so, nobody knows what is going to happen next. 

The Australian Problems of Today.

Talking about the Australian government.

Welcome to our article,  The Australian Problems of Today

Dear readers, today I have decided to write about what is happening in Australia. Some of these articles will be like a diary, but my intention is that I want to point out what I think can be done to solve some problems, because in Australia today we have this problem about the drought, and other problems that are affecting our way of life, so, we need to talk about them. 

Anyhow, in our last article we wrote about the Australian elections , so, to keep the record straight we want to mention that the elections were won from the coalition, so, the government has not changed. I believe that the fear of paying more taxes, if the Labor Party had won government, has stopped some people voting Labor.

Anyhow, today there are still a lot of problems that need to be solved, and some of these problems must be solved from the Australian government. If you have followed us, you know that we have written articles about these problems, starting from the drought in Australia, that is destroying farming, as we know it, in our article, Farming Today Is Still a Risky Business, we have also talked about, the Australian Social Security, because it is failing to help the farmers, and other related articles that affects other people in a negative way. In the articles, we have said what we believe is wrong, and suggested what can be done to fix them, and we believe that the government can fix them, if the government tries hard enough to fix them. But so far, they have not done much; so, we are still waiting for this new elected government to do something. Meanwhile, we are writing some articles to say what we believe needs to be done. 

Anyhow, we believe that, Australia Can Do Better, if the people that run the country, put the interest of the Australian people first, instead of bringing in heartless budgets, like Joe Hockey 2014 budget, which is still making life hard for the pensioners and the small property owners. So, let us see, what is happening in Australia today.


What is happening in Australia today?

Today in Australia nothing interesting is happening; except for the fact that the coalition is still in power, when everybody thought that they could not win. Anyhow, everything is still the same, it has not rained much and there is no rain coming soon, so, the farmers are still having a hard time, people hope and pray God hoping that that can help, but nothing is happening. These problems that affect the entire Australian economy need to be talked about, to see if they can be solved; even the farmers must be entitled to Social Security payment, when their farms cannot produce enough to live with. Like what we were trying to suggest in our article, The Australian Social Security Must Be Equal, anyhow, we hope that the government does something to help the farmers.

Today it seems to me that climatic changes that brings these droughts will continue to happen, so, we must think what can be done to overcome the drawback that these climatic changes bring. We know that this affects the entire world. But we have to think that Australia is the driest continent on earth, therefore, we must be ready before everybody else, we cannot wait and copy somebody else, because we will be the first to be affected most, so, we are forced to solve these problems ourselves.

Therefore, this question arises, what can be done to make farming more reliable? For instance, is there a way to collect enough water in some places, that can be used during the drought? We know that this must be a government initiative, since we are talking about Australia as a whole; so, not even the largest and well-organized farms can afford it. We know also that the government have already organized something like that, and they have problems running it, because they are running out of water. I believe that in the future these water problems can become worse, because of the global warming effects. So, the Australian government must make themselves ready for a better and larger scheme; they can learn from what they have now, to do better in the future.

So, these are what I am going to write in my future articles soon. You may call them, Australia views of an old man. Now, let me tell you who I am and what I have seen. 


Australia views of an old man

What I have seen in my life that can help make sense about what we see today.

Today I am an old man, so, I have seen a lot of things during my life that I can talk about: I have lived in Australia for 58 years, I have lived in Italy for over 20 years, during which I have worked in our family farm, then, I have served in the compulsory army service and when I finished, I migrated to Australia.

When I came to Australia in the early sixties, I found that the standard of living was better than the standard of living that we had in Italy, and the standard of living we have today.

I was even surprised to see that the driest continent on earth, not only had enough water to drink, but they had enough water to water their gardens in their back yards, so, if you are organized you can do a lot more than you think it is possible to do.

But you must organize yourself to do those things. Now because of these climatic changes, rainfalls  will also change. So, I believe that we are going to have more ups and downs about rainfalls; therefore, we must start thinking what can be done to minimize the negative affect that they will bring. This is one of the subjects that I will be talking about in my future articles. I am also going to talk about financial support and other things. I hope that I can write my articles interesting enough for people to read them.

I believe I have said enough in this article; so, see you in our next article, where we are continuing to talk about the Australian problems, like the drought and the fire on top of the drought, which is frightening, and we hope that we can say something that can help, in our article, Australia climatic problems.

To see more click on this link, The Australian Problems of Today

See you soon.        


World views diary November 2024

WELCOME TO OUR BLOG YOU ARE INVITED, TO BROWSE AS LONG AS YOU LIKE. Anyhow, here I will publish my own diary and what I see happening in the...